Adapting a novel for television always presents challenges. When attempting
to translate a beloved classic like Dune, a novel revered by millions of
readers from many generations, the task is all the greater. The first
miniseries was universally hailed by fans as an astonishingly faithful
rendering of Frank Herbert's classic work.
"The adaptation of Herbert's material has always been regarded as difficult,"
admitted Rubinstein. "I said to Frank Herbert's son, Brian, who came with his
wife Jan to visit us on the set in Prague, 'I feel like an adopted member of
your family' because we shared a commitment to seeing his father's work adapted
in a way that was faithful to the books.
"Brian told me that his Dad would have been pleased with John's scripts and
their realization on screen. I considered this important not only for fans of
the books but also because I respect Brian and his writing partner Kevin
Anderson for their best-selling Dune prequel books, each of which has been a
hardcover as well as softcover national best seller.
"I've had positive reinforcement, particularly based on the success of The
Stand as a miniseries, in appreciating the value to an audience of giving them
on screen the spirit of a book that they love," says Rubinstein. "That doesn't
mean a literal translation." Associate Producer Michael Messina adds, "Dune
Messiah and Children of Dune are not as linear from a plot/character standpoint
as the first Dune novel. John had to do some interpreting as well as some
filling in of the spaces that Herbert hadn't addressed, which was no easy task.
He did it extraordinarily well."
"From my experiences writing and directing Frank Herbert's Dune, I learned
how to condense the epic nature of the story and draw out of Herbert's books the
big issues and themes," said Harrison. "Once I saw it come to life in the first
miniseries and saw that it was coherent, I was a lot more confident that I could
take these next two books, and do with them what I had done before."
The Sarandon Factor
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