Tuesday, February 21, 2006 |
Opening QuotesAs promised, I will be offering some sneak previews of the text for HUNTERS OF DUNE. It'll probably feel as if I'm doling out one potato chip after another, but you'll at least have a taste of what the novel will be like before it comes out. On or around March 1, I'll post the first chapter of HUNTERS here in the blog. At the beginning of April, I'll post the second chapter, and so on, until the book itself is published. To start things off, I'm including the page of opening quotes that will appear at the beginning of HUNTERS. DUNE readers will be familiar with this technique of adding a few snapshots to bring you up to speed with what's going on before the novel starts. For "Dune 7" Brian and I faced several challenges. First, we're picking up the story twenty-one years after CHAPTERHOUSE was published; many readers may not remember all the details of Frank Herbert's last novels in the chronicles. Second, we've discovered in our many book-signings and conversations with general DUNE readers that a large percentage never got farther than GOD EMPEROR OF DUNE; we had to provide enough background so that those fans -- who have read all of our recent prequels -- could enjoy HUNTERS as well (and, we hope, go back and give HERETICS and CHAPTERHOUSE another try). And third, we had to do it in an interesting enough way so as not to bother those core DUNE fans who had indeed read all of our prequels and all of Frank Herbert's chronicles; they already have a good idea of what to expect. Below is the page of opening quotes. We hope you enjoy this small foretaste. --KJA * * * * * After the 3500-year reign of the Tyrant Leto II, an empire was left to fend for itself. During the Famine Times and the subsequent Scattering, the remnants of the human race cast themselves far into the wilderness of space. They fled to unknown realms where they sought riches and safety, to no avail. For fifteen hundred years these survivors and their descendants endured terrible hardships, a whole reorganization of humanity. Stripped of its energy and resources, the ancient government of the Old Imperium fell away. New power groups took root and grew strong, but never again would humans allow themselves to depend upon a monolithic leader or a key substance. Single points of failure. Some say the Scattering was Leto II's Golden Path, a crucible to strengthen the human race forever, to teach us a lesson we could not forget. But how could one man -- even a man-god who was partially a sandworm -- willingly inflict such suffering upon his children? Now that descendants of the Lost Ones are coming back from the Scattering, we can only imagine the true horrors our brothers and sisters must have faced out there. -- Guild Bank Records, Gammu Branch Even the most learned of us cannot imagine the scope of the Scattering. As a historian, I am dismayed to think of all the knowledge that has been lost forever, the accurate record of triumphs and tragedies. Entire civilizations rose and fell while those who remained in the Old Imperium sat complacently. New weapons and technologies were spawned by the hardships of the Famine Times. What enemies did we inadvertently create? What religions, what distortions, what social processes did the Tyrant set in motion? We can never know, and I fear that this ignorance will come back to haunt us. -- Sister Tamalane, Chapterhouse Archives Our own estranged brothers, those Lost Tleilaxu who vanished in the turmoil of the Scattering, have now return to us changed in fundamental ways. They bring an improved strain of Face Dancers with them, declaring to have designed these shape-shifters themselves. My analysis of the Lost Tleilaxu, however, indicates that they are clearly inferior to us. They cannot even create spice from axlotl tanks, but they claim to have developed superior Face Dancers? How can that be? And the Honored Matres. They speak words of alliance with us, yet their actions show only brutality and the enslavement of conquered peoples. They have destroyed Rakis! How can we have faith in them, or in the Lost Tleilaxu? -- Master Scytale, Sealed notes found in burned lab on Tleilax Duncan Idaho and Sheeana have stolen our no-ship and flown off to points unknown. They have taken with them many heretical Sisters, even the ghola of our Bashar Miles Teg. With our newly forged alliance, I am tempted to command all Bene Gesserits and Honored Matres to turn their attention to recapturing this ship and its valuable passengers. But I will not. Who can find a no-ship out in the vast universe? More importantly, we can never forget that a far more dangerous Enemy is coming for us. -- Emergency message from Murbella, Reverend Mother Superior and Great Honored Matre
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