Monday, February 9, 2009 |
Jessica of Dune, Terra Incognita UpdatesJust a few items and updates to pass along. I have finished the seventh edit of JESSICA OF DUNE, which went back to Brian for his final read and edit. The manuscript has also gone to Pat LoBrutto and Tom Doherty, our editor and publisher, respectively, at Tor Books. Release date is set for August 4. There's a new interview with Stephen Youll about his painting for JESSICA OF DUNE and about his DUNE work in general. You can read it at Suvudu.com. While Brian edits JESSICA, I am proofreading the typeset galleys for the first "Terra Incognita" novel, THE EDGE OF THE WORLD. In the meantime, I have also written the first 47 chapters (out of 123) of the second book, THE MAP OF ALL THINGS. And I'm also putting the finishing touches on the booklet for the rock CD, "Terra Incognita: BEYOND THE HORIZON." If you haven't listened to the first two music tracks yet, go to the Roswell Six page. In coming weeks I will be posting frequent blogs about the progress of the Terra Incognita CD at my personal blog on wordfire.com. For those Dune fans who are also interested in our other work, I'll post a link here. -- KJA
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