Sunday, September 14, 2008 |
What Happens at a Booksigning?I'm packing up and getting ready to leave on Tuesday for the launch of PAUL OF DUNE. Brian and I will do our first signing at University Books in Seattle, where we've launched eight of our Dune novels already. Some of you have written with questions about what exactly happens at our book signings? What can you expect? Brian and I give a talk, about twenty minutes, about the new novel, about Dune in general, about our writing process and some of our plans for the future. We don't like to do a reading -- we've found that when an author reads aloud from a book, it's often a little dry...and you can read the book yourself! We like the more direct connection of talking with the fans. We also answer questions from the audience, and then we sign the books. Brian and I will sign any of our books you choose to bring in. It doesn't have to be the new novel, and we don't require you to buy the new novel to get a signature. In fact, you can bring in the old books from your shelves, if you'd like to have them autographed (although, since the individual bookstore is hosting the event, it's courteous to buy *something* from them, even if it's just a paperback). We don't have a limit to the number of books you can have autographed, although if there is still a line, we would like you to go through several times, to be kind to the people behind you. And, don't forget, if you come to one of the PAUL OF DUNE signings, we are giving away packets of "gummi sandworms" -- and six lucky winners will receive one of the limited "PAUL OF DUNE 2008 Tour" t-shirts. Plenty of reasons to come out and meet us in person. We hope to see you there. -- KJA
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